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  • Sports Competition


     We run a number of exciting competitions throughout the year. Make sure that you are following us on social media and are subscribed to our newsletter to keep up to date with our latest competitions! 


    Do you already have a Taraflex sports floor? Get rewarded for your referral!

    Recommend us to another school and reap the benefit! For every square metre they have installed, Gerflor will give you £1 to spend on sports equipment. Terms and conditions apply, see our website for more information.


    Gerflor Referral Emails

    Please fill out the form below to make your referral:

    Your Information:

    School Information:

    School Person of Contact:

    Please ensure you have read our Terms & Conditions before entering this competition.

    World leader

    Floor covering solutions


    Recycled materials, recycling of end-of-life products, ISO14001


    Specific responses to the needs of twenty market segments

    Expert team

    Commitment to the success of our customers

    Customer success

    Daily commitment to guarantee our customers high quality and competitiveness.