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  • Meet The Team! Get to know our Healthcare Manager Andy
  • 26.09.2023

    Meet The Team! Get to know our Healthcare Manager Andy

    GERFLOR Meet The Team Andy

    At Gerflor we like to add that personal touch.... Get to know the members of our team by finding more about their role, their favourite products and what they like to do in their spare time. This week get to know Andy!


    “Hi… I'm Andy Gordon. I am a Healthcare Specification Manager at Gerflor Flooring UK, specialising in Floor and Wall Coverings."

    “I have worked within the flooring industry most of my life, working for several different companies in various roles. I started in the marketing department at a well known flooring manufacturer, before setting up an entrance matting subsidiary which, through organic growth, established itself as a major player within the industry.

    "During my time at Gerflor I’ve worked as an Area Sales Manager, before progressing to my current role as Healthcare Key Account Manager. This is a very challenging but rewarding role and allows me to bring together all of the skills I have learnt over the years to help establish Gerflor & Gradus as the go-to healthcare provider for Floors, Walls and everything in between.”


    What do you like about your role and the sector you work in? 

    The best part of the role is seeing a project from early inception and development into a full working floor and wall solution. I frequently engage with a diverse range of key decision makers from Architects to Main Contractors to Estates and Capital Planning teams within the trusts to Facilities management and Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Teams. The role allows me to dive deep into the project with all the key decision makers and make sure that their needs and wants are knitted together to produce a robust specification which benefits the client throughout the building lifecycle.


    What challenges are driving the Healthcare sector?

    There are some really exciting developments happening within Healthcare at the moment centred around decarbonisation and digitalisation of the NHS Estate, allowing us to work with Specifiers through our BIM and digital models before a spade goes in the ground.
    NHS Estates are now building ‘Digital Twin’ models, it allows for manufacturers to iron out potential issues before any install happens.  An example of this is making sure LRV’s are correct, between floors and walls, floors and doors and other interior finishes.


    Favourite Gerflor solutions and why? 

    DLW Lino is one of my favourite collections, thanks to the wide choice our clients can have in colours and designs and its front-end embodied Carbon sustainability story. Thanks to also its revolutionary Neocare surface treatment, it significantly reduces operational carbon costs. From the Gradus portfolio, the XT Stair nosing’s are a game changer because it is the only stair nosing on the marketplace which has a wraparound insert that is mechanically fixed, this is a benefit for building longevity and reduces risks of slips and falls on stairs and is also DSDC approved.


    What do you like doing in your spare time?

    My hobbies include playing tennis again after a long break from the sport and I also enjoy the odd round of Golf. At home, my wife Emma and I enjoy cooking and entertaining with family and friends and you might also  see me singing and playing my guitar at local open mic events. I don’t think I will ever leave Gerflor for a career in music, but I will definitely play when I can, whether I am any good is another story!


    Meet Andy at this years Healthcare Estates 2023 (10-11th October - Stand F26)!

    If you need specification advice for Healthcare solutions, then contact Andy today.

    Email at or give him a call on 07850206611.