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  • Meet Gerflor at the Why Sports: Investing in Facilities and Infrastructure Conference, 27th Nov 2018
  • 23.11.2018

    Meet Gerflor at the Why Sports: Investing in Facilities and Infrastructure Conference, 27th Nov 2018


    As a sports flooring company Gerflor always strive to ensure that they have the very best relationships with the elite clubs and organisations who are themselves at the very top of their game. Their ‘outreach’ and support also applies at the lower levels of sport where the grass roots grow.

    David Carter, Sport Marketing Communications Manager, Gerflor said, “At Gerflor we’re very keen to open-up communication with organisations and facilities at the lower levels to encourage participation in sport and we understand the importance of getting people active no matter who they are.”

    He went on to add, “it’s for this very reason that Gerflor have decided to attend The Future of Sport conference on 27th November to further help people from all walks of life to get involved in sport.”

    The Activity and Employment conference will take place at the Royal Society of Medicine in London and the focus will include how to increase the impact of sport in the lives of young people, encouraging active participation and its importance to the economic industry.

    Come and speak to the Gerflor flooring specialists on the ideal sports solutions at the Why Sports: Investing in Facilities and Infrastructure 2018 conference at the Royal Society of Medicine in London on 27th November 2018.

    For more information on this event, visit