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  • Gerflor set to make an ‘impression’ at Clerkenwell Design Week (stand PB11)
  • 28.03.2018

    Gerflor set to make an ‘impression’ at Clerkenwell Design Week (stand PB11)

    Gerflor WebThumbnail CDW

    The Clerkenwell Design Week (CDW) in North London which takes place on 22-24th May has created a showcase of leading UK and international brands and companies, presented in a series of showroom events, exhibitions and special installations.

    International flooring specialists Gerflor are set to thrill the visitors with some stunning examples of how their innovative flooring ranges are making their mark in a host of commercial applications…and in the home too. The event will present Gerflor with the perfect platform to showcase their new Taralay Premium collection being launched in June 2018, plus their International Design Award-winning Taralay Impression and Uni ranges. Visitors will also be able to see, feel and touch a selection of Gerflor’s stunning Creation LVT products.

    It’s a brave new world out there as Gerflor prepare to parade some of their exhilarating flooring designs. Come and meet the Gerflor team on stand PB11