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  • Gerflor COVID-19 Update
  • 18.03.2020

    Gerflor COVID-19 Update

    Pexels Photo 374720

    The Covid 19 virus is a concern to us all.

    At Gerflor we are working hard on contingency plans to minimise the impact of the virus both in terms of the risks to our staff and disruption for our customers.

    In the next few days several of our office staff will be working from home including our sales order processing team who will be able to process orders as normal. In addition, our field sales team and technical support team will also be available by telephone and/or skype to assist you. Manufacturing and logistics operations are currently continuing as normal and we have taken steps to minimise the impact of disruption in the supply chain by building stock levels where we can. The finance team are also able to receive and process payments as usual.

    We recognise that this is a fast-moving situation and we will endeavour to keep our customers updated with any new information as soon as we can.

    Thank you for your continued support


    Bertrand Chaumet

    Managing Director