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  • Gerflor's Taraflex® legacy continues its success with Ipswich Basketball sponsorship
  • 29.11.2021

    Gerflor's Taraflex® legacy continues its success with Ipswich Basketball sponsorship

    Ipswich BB Main Image

    Back in 2013 when the Ipswich Basketball Academy based at Copleston Sixth Form College (which is home to the Ipswich Basketball Club) needed to refurbish their existing floor, they turned to international flooring specialist Gerflor to supply 700m2 of their world class Taraflex® Comfort vinyl sports flooring which was installed on top of an existing Granwood floor. By overlaying Taraflex® onto the pre-existing surface, the facility was able to quickly and cost effectively rejuvenate its floor, minimising maintenance costs whilst benefiting from long-lasting durability.

    Gerflor believe that supporting sports at the grass root level is imperative to ensure that every player and participant, regardless of age and ability, can become champions within their own right. To this end, Gerflor are proud to announce their 2021/22 sponsorship of the Ipswich Basketball Club. This golden opportunity will deliver a much wider social impact: it will help the players to lead healthier lives, to develop new skills for employment and to further engage with the local community in exercise and sporting initiatives.

    David Carter Gerflor Sports Specialist commented, “We supply hundreds of facilities per year hosting sport at levels that are not awash with money. Ipswich is somewhat unique in how they operate and have shown that with the right investment, players can really benefit and springboard them into the global basketball arena.”