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  • COVID-19 Information
  • 26.03.2020

    COVID-19 Information

    Gerflor Pre Home Plant

    The COVID-19 virus is a concern to us all.

    At Gerflor we are working hard on contingency plans to minimise the impact of the virus both in terms of the risks to our staff and disruption for our customers.

    Gerflor has reacted fast to secure the safety of our teams and partners, and to also further provide our customers with the best level of service possible. Our customer service, sales force, credit and technical assistance teams remain operational to sustain the activities, drive the situation and prepare for the after-crisis recovery. 

    We would like to thank all our customers for their understanding and loyalty to our products, teams and brands, within this unprecedented situation, and assure them of our full and long-term commitment.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    Bertrand Chaumet.

    Managing Director.