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  • RIAI Awards 2020 Sponsor
  • RIAI Gerflor Logo

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    Gerflor are again Premium Sponsor of RIAI Awards 2020

    International flooring specialists Gerflor are proud once again to be the headline premium sponsor supporting the Royal Institute of Architects Ireland (RIAI) awards programme 2020.

    The RIAI seeks to provide architects with the professional training, education and research support required to consolidate the role of the RIAI. Now in their 31st year, the RIAI Irish Architecture Awards are the premier architectural awards in Ireland. The purpose of the RIAI Irish Architecture Awards is to promote and celebrate the quality of current work by RIAI Members at home and abroad and to create awareness of the contribution that architects make to society for everyone’s benefit. The RIAI Awards are considered by both the public and the profession as the most valued architecture awards in Ireland, resulting in strong promotion of the value of good architecture.

    The annual awards are there to promote the best of the best and the categories include everything from; Urban Design projects through to Public Space, Adaption and Re-Use, Cultural Buildings, Research and International projects. The annual awards are therefore very prestigious and the competition for shortlisting is extremely fierce. Sponsoring these awards again, is for Gerflor, synonymous with their commitment to quality and innovation and engagement with the architectural community.

    The finalists will be announced at the Awards Summer Party on the 4th of June.


    Award Dates 2020

    RIAI Awards Dates NEW