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  • Loose Lay Flooring - Gerflor UK
  • Gerflor offers a wide range of vinyl loose lay flooring solutions with clever innovative interlocking technology. This makes them fast to install, require no adhesives and provides a range of inspiring finishes for any interior space. You can save time and money as it is a fast track, loose-lay, clean & dry installation. Our loose lay solutions cover a wide range of products that include:

    LVT (Creation Clic & X'Press Systems, Saga²)

    Fast Track Flooring (Attraction, GTI Max)

    Textile Backed Flooring* (Griptex, Texline)

    There is no need to close down the premises as the products can be installed with minimum disruption. They can more often than not also be installed over existing floor finishes or imperfect subfloors too. These products are high-design, adhesive-free floor tiles that allow access to underfloor utilities. 

    Across our entire loose lay flooring range we offer a wide range of uses for a variety of different applications. We also offer one of the widest colour ranges in the contract flooring market. Depending on your needs you can also mix some of these designs together to create a truly stunning bespoke design.

    We have provided loose lay flooring solutions to some of the UK’s most prestigious projects. This includes various schools, hospitals and social housing developments. Some of our loose lay flooring has been installed in prestigious buildings such as Hewlit Packard’s headquarters and the University of Limerick.

    Although they are fast track solutions, they still offer all the benefits of our vinyl sheet flooring solutions. This includes heightened wear resistance, superior acoustic qualities, patented surface treatments and slip resistant properties.

    If you are completing a renovation in the near future and require a fast track loose lay flooring solution please consider Gerflor. If you would like to know any more about our solutions, or if you would like a sales representative to contact you, please contact us today.

    *up to 35m²