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  • Vinyl floor care
  • GERFLOR floors and vinyl floor care:

    Thanks to a well-elaborated composition and an extra-resistant surface, our floor coverings are easy to install, to clean and to maintain. For better cleaning, we provide you with the necessary instructions online. Instructions on Vinyl floor care are divided into 3 categories: normal, low, and ultra low maintenance.

    In fact, the vinyl floors of GERFLOR do not require special care. Regular sweep to remove everyday dirt is sufficient. Moreover, GERFLOR products are reputed to have a longer life expectancy and are able to suit every style with their large choice of patterns and colours.

    As a pioneering manufacturer of vinyl floor coverings, we also attach a greater importance and care to environment protection. Consequently, we have developed a range of eco-friendly products to meet international safety standards.

    More information about vinyl floor care

    If you want to get detailed information about vinyl floor care, do not hesitate to contact us.