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When a ‘sports enthusiastic’ family in Gloucester wanted to create a basketball court in their garden, they...
We interviewed Conrad John, Housing Specification Manager (Southwest) to see what he had to say about what is...
The King studios in the heart of London’s West End is a veritable cathedral to side-ways thinking. Once inside...
The Bristol Royal Infirmary was founded by public subscription in 1735, making it one of the oldest...
Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) are standardised documents that provide transparent and comparable...
Gloucester-based International Plywood has recently completed a state-of-the-art new build for their main...
Inchgarth community centre in the ‘Granite City’ of Aberdeen is the city’s biggest, busiest and most...
Honeypark is a high-end residential apartment development built on the Olde Dún Laoghaire Golf course in...
Overlooking the leafy London suburban delights of Hampstead Heath, Highgate School was established in 1565 by...
The Glasgow Science Centre is an educational charity whose vision is to empower people through learning and...
Located in Royal Berkshire, situated near to Windsor, Ascot and only 45 minutes from the centre of London and...
Booghe Toys began their journey in 2015 and since then have made exponential growth offering a wide choice of...
The Nelson Place development in Belfast, the city’s largest purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA)...
Circle Partnership is breaking the mould with its purpose-built hospitals catering for private and NHS...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) caused as a direct result of their brave service in defence of our...