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    Gerflor is a pioneer in providing adhesive free looselay flooring. Today, more than ever, these products offer the fastest solution to achieving a functional, safe and attractive floor.



    4 main benefits

    Fast installation

    Glueless installation system

    Available in tiles, planks and rolls

    Quick release and 100% recyclable product


    Solutions for different applications


    Healthcare Temporary Facilities


    You can install our vinyl safety flooring using D300 double sided tape.
    HQR and Texline, with a patented textile backing, can be installed with hook and loop adhesive tape in temporary healthcare structures.






    Retail & Logistics Temporary Facilities


    Tiles simply click together, no adhesive required.






    Temporary Rest Areas & Offices


    Working in healthy offices and respecting the environment is today mandatory, this is why all our office flooring solutions are contributing and answering to the most demanding environmental certifications.



    Find out more

    For more information Contact us today!