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  • Fitting laminate floor -
  • GERFLOR: tips and instructions for the fitting of a laminate floor

    If you are planning to undertake the fitting of a laminate floor by yourself, we invite you to consult the tips and instructions published on our web site.

    Backed by a long experience and a worldwide representation, our company GERFLOR succeeded in developing its reputation of quality and proficiency. Today, our continuous innovation led us to conceive floors that are easy to install. As a result, the fitting of laminate floors in vinyl has never been easier : with only a ruler, a cutter and a pencil, everyone can install by himself a Gerflor product.

    Do not hesitate to consult our web site for detailed explanations on how to undertake the fitting of a laminate floor. Our team of experts is also at your disposal for any information request.

    More information on the fitting of laminate floors

    If you want to get detailed information on the fitting of laminate floors, do not hesitate to contact us.