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  • Design by Gerflor
  • Design, at the heart of our expertise


     "For Gerflor, creativity is not an occasional, intuitive or spontaneous phenomenon, but a neat plant nourished every day, patiently, methodically. We travel the world to identify global trends in design, architecture and fashion. At the end of this adventure, we build our moodboards: a condensed overview of styles, colors and materials, which are an infinite source of inspiration to create new products. The raw material of our future collections is here. An essential sap that nourishes the identity of Gerflor for more and more unique and innovative products."."

    Gino Venturelli, Gerflor Artistic Director


    Our 2021 Trends



    Gerflor Design Lab

    Composed of designers, graphic designers and colourists, the Gerflor Design Lab deciphers current trends in fashion, architecture and design,and anticipates their evolution in the coming years. Their mission: to propose today the designs, textures and colours of the future collections, which will decorate your interiors of tomorrow. 





    Our customisation options 


    My Floor

    Do you want to create a unique space or enhance your brand? We can satisfy your desires in terms of design and imagine together your future personalised floor.
    Feel free to contact us for any request!

    Know more

    World leader

    Floor covering solutions


    Recycled materials, recycling of end-of-life products, ISO14001


    Specific responses to the needs of twenty market segments

    Expert team

    Commitment to the success of our customers

    Customer success

    Daily commitment to guarantee our customers high quality and competitiveness.